New Australian Treasury Certification Launched

Jan 1, 2022

In December 2021 the Australian Corporate Treasury Association (ACTA, and formally known as the Finance & Treasury Association (FTA)) announced the launch of a new corporate treasury certification in partnership with the Macquarie University.

The Certificate in Corporate Treasury has been developed in close collaboration with industry and is offered in an online format. The certificate is made up of 2 Units with each unit containing 7 modules. There will be 14 exams in total (one for each module) and the exams will be in the form of a simulation assessment.

Registration for Unit 1 is currently open, with registration for Unit 2 to start in July 2022.

The Certificate in Corporate Treasury is a welcoming addition to the existing treasury certification programmes around the world and should become the main certification programme for corporate treasurers and those working in transaction banking in Australia.

For more information on treasury certifications and additional study support, please contact us on