Treasury Certification


Professional Body

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Certification Name

Postgraduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance





Topics Covered

  • Module 1: Corporate Financial Risk Management
  • Module 2: Cash and Treasury Operations
  • Module 3: Corporate Finance & Valuation


  • Every module is assessed by a written exam and/or one or more cases that are evaluated and scored
  • In addition, participants write two academic papers

Estimated Duration

15 months

Estimated Cost

USD 22,500

Entry Requirements

  • Master’s degree in Economics and/or Business Administation
  • 3-years relevant work experience

Exemptions Available

  • None

Accreditation Obtained

Register Treasurer (RT)

Treasury Certification Verdict

The Register Treasurer (RT) programme at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam has been around for over 20 years and is therefore a very respected course and (like the MCT of the ACT) is at a Masters/MBA level.

However, because the course is only delivered in person in The Netherlands, and with limited international recognition, this course is only of interest to those corporate treasury professionals based in The Netherlands. It is also by far the most expensive treasury certification programme available.

Additional Study Support From Treasury Certification
Treasury Certification does not currently provide study support for this programme. For more information, please contact